Tears drops afresh and my heart weighs heavily with every new picture of the victim of the ill fated Dana plane I see; either on the papers or posted on any of the social networks. These faces are so beautiful and full of life. I hurt even more as I listen to the musing of the different television and radio stations as they report repeatedly the stance of the Federal government to investigate. Has any investigation been fruitful in this our great country? (That is a story for another day.) As I mourn over these beautiful and young faces whose lives have been gruesomely cut short, I weep the more as revealing facts has proved that these deaths could have been avoided.
Like every one, I have wondered “why”. I have been too afraid to question God, not that any one can question Him. I do not even know how to ask God to help us all, through this trying period. I do not know if I can trust myself to handle His respond. I am probably like the man who was driving his truck on a narrow mountain road, rounded a curve and suddenly lost control of the vehicle. It plunged over the side, went down the mountain and busted into flames at the bottom. This man who was ejected as the truck went over the edge managed to grab a bush that grew near the top of the cliff.  From this terrifying position, he called out in desperation. “Is anybody there?” In a few seconds, the thundering voice of the Lord echoed across the mountain “yes, I am here, He said “what do you want?” The man pleaded, “Please save me! I can’t hold on much longer!” After another agonizing pause, the voice said, “All right I will. But first you must turn loose of the limb and trust me to catch you. Just release your grip now. My hands will be under you. The dangling man looked over his shoulder at the burning truck in the valley below and then he called out, “Is anybody else there?”  God’s response to my cry for help may cause me to call out “Is anybody else there?” 
Like the America’s 9/11, I do wish that this unfortunate event forms a pivot for the needful change in every parastatal in our country. I do wish the same vigor the American government pursued and eventually conquered terrorism will be the same our government destroys the generational decadency in the Aviation sector and every other sector. I do wish our government would value and protect the lives of its citizen as the Americans do. These are only the wishes of a mother who desires that every child, mother, father or grand parent is able to move around without fear of kidnap, bomb, tanker/trailer or air plane abruptly ending their lives. Even more, does this mother desires that our children will not cringe at the sound of an air plane nor despise places of worship because of its attendant death and casualty cases.
With all the happenings 2012 has brought, from fuel subsidy to the boko haram menace and finally this massive lost of lives. We sincerely hope that these ends the turbulence and peace is ushered into our nation. We ask God for help.
For happenings we cannot explain, Dr Dobson in his book- WHEN GOD DOESN’T MAKE SENSE calls them “acts of God”
Is this an act of God?

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    June 10, 2012 at 8:53 pm

    In times like this, all we need is God and only Him alone can comfort and grant us the fortitude to bear this experience. It pays to live within His will!!

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