everyday woman live intentionally mother's day celebration

MOTHER’S DAY CELEBRATION – The everyday woman, my hero!

Last weekend, while braiding my
hair, I had a discussion with my hair stylist and it opened my eyes
to a peculiar challenge most women encounter – the task of raising children and
running a home. This is one task no straight-jacket formula can solve, it is a
challenge often experienced by most women raising young families in a fast
paced society such as ours. 
As we discussed further, it
became clear that our routines were not different from each other; her struggle
with managing the home, kids and hubby were the same as mine. Her desire to
find and create a balance between work and home, and still make out time to
rest were exactly the constraints I often times face. Her desire to progress
and expand her business was as strong as my desire to progress and grow in my
House cleaning, cooking healthy
meals, laundry and helping her kids with their school work were some of the
duties she daily have to handle after work. This is in addition to pep-talking
the kids when the need arose and guiding each child through different growth
mile stones. My hair stylist was clearly overwhelmed by the volume of chores
and its attendant expectations. (Please don’t ask about her husband😓)
“I can’t wait for my kids
to grow up and handle themselves”
was her conclusion to our long banter.
As soon as she
spoke those words, I smiled to myself and grabbed the opportunity to redirect
her perspective. Perspective is usually a game changer in many situations.
The ability to direct ones thought process or believe system to consider a
different outlook or approach to a present challenge usually makes a whole lot
of difference.
So I decided to
share my perspective on handling our peculiar challenge. I told her I chose to
make the whole process of raising children and building a home fun and
memorable by creating moments of laughter and family time as often as my
schedule allowed. I always endeavour to grab a bite before helping out
with assignments to reduce my impatience and tiredness. Also keep our dinner
light, that way I don’t worry about spending time in the kitchen and when overwhelmed
I ask for help.
“My dear”, I
continued, I had long decided never to rush through life nor stand at the edge
and long for a perceived better tomorrow (one without the demands of a young
family). I rather count these chores and the ability to carry them out as
‘blessings’; I chose to live in today and enjoy every event and experience
completely. My daily maxim of “taking each day at a time”
remains a constant guide; thus dictating how I handle the expectations
each day brings and the challenges other aspects of my life poses.
Today, I specially celebrate the everyday
women like my hair stylist, who still stand head tall and shoulders high in
spite of the daily constraints they battle to overcome. I am daily inspired by these
women I meet as I traverse through life and the effort they put in keeping their
homes running effectively as any corporation in the world can. They are proud
mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts and wives.
The disparities in vocation,
academic qualifications, societal, parental and relational expectations,
do not deter them from offering their services with joy and a smile. Each and
every one of them deserves unreserved accolades. From my hairstylist, to
the tomato seller, to our cleaners,
nannies and security women; you all spice my life and teach me doggedness with
your determination to succeed.
In the spirit of today’s
mothers day celebration, may I request we consciously appreciate a woman this
week, special kudos to those who work extra hard without commensurate remuneration.
Praise their resilience, encourage their effort and soothe their pain or
struggles with words of comfort and hope.

To all the strong women all
over the world; I pray the sun will always shine upon you, the sky will always
be blue and bright, your smiles will always attract more smiles. May your hope
always remain alive and may you have renewed strength for each day.
Think differently!
Live intentionally!!
Happy mother’s

Image credit – Google

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