As we approach the middle of this year, we all have tried taking stock (mentally or otherwise) of goals achieved, dreams fulfilled, desires met and so many others. Especially things we listed out at the beginning of the year. Are we excited with the result of our evaluation? I believe a lot of people will scream “no!”. don’t panic! They are so many of “us” on that side of the divide.
 The stock taking process does readily bring to surface the failures of  goals not met, dreams not realized, etc and the attendant feelings of despair is rather imagined. Do not get me wrong, it is important to evaluate progress as this is necessary for growth and improvement. Looking at stock taking from another perspective gives one a feeling of gratitude and the necessary vigor to plan for the remaining part of the year. This different perspective is what I will call “asset counting”. Asset here does not refer to landed properties, stocks, bonds and shares; but blessings received, favours enjoyed, needs met, lives touched, lessons learnt, relationship built, lost opportunities recovered, goals met etc. This, in fact is counting the blessing the past months has brought. 
 In all sincerity, when one is done with such list, they become truly dazed at God’s blessings upon them. I recently took stock of my progress over the past months and this is what my list looked like,
  • the “good morning” greetings I daily exchange, shows am alive!
  • the comfort of a happy home
  • the scent of a baby as I run my fingers through her curly locks
  • the sweet smile from my toddler
  • the scent of “my” man every time am hugged
  • the colleagues I daily laugh with
  • the clothes that fits a little more snugly, shows am healthy
  • the “welcome” am told every time I return shows am home and safe
  • the “nice to meet you” I exchanged, shows my new relationship
  • the “thanks” I receive, shows am appreciated
  • the ……
Am sure you expected to read about the triple digit profit my booming business attained or the great business deal I signed, the pounds I dropped, the number of books I read, the increased hours spent in prayers, the  …. you can complete the rest. The past months have held so much “little blessings”, that if I were to continue counting my assets; you maybe desirous of my life. Lol!
like the song writer of “count your blessings”, I would suggest you count your “assets” and you will be grateful for what the 1st half of this year has offered you.

 Take stock! But focus on asset counting!!

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  • Reply
    Crystal Chigbu
    June 18, 2012 at 1:52 pm

    Thank you lord for Life , Family , Friends , Jobs . Thank you, So grateful

  • Reply
    June 18, 2012 at 5:18 am

    Oh, those 'little' blessings are usually the most important in my books. I'm counting away, dear. Thanks for the reminder.

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