cry happy world heart laugh RELATIONSHIP sad WOMan


When a woman cries, her world shivers and her tears pulls down insurmountable barriers.

When she groans, her world cowers and her moans can be heard a mile away.When her heart is broken, her world collapses and its endless bleeding floods the street.

When she grieves, the world within and around becomes dark and cold.When she is angry, the fumes from her nostril flares up a wet forest


When a woman smiles, it brightens the world with so much love and charm.
When she laughs, the earth giggles, the plants smiles and there are splashes of colours everywhere.

When she is happy, Wow! The light within attracts all and sundry. The joy she radiates open doors, win relationships and unites warring souls.

Chose to make a lady smile, laugh and be happy today.

Make the world a better place.

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