2016 Desire fulfilling Half year July Mid year motivate


It’s July and here’s welcoming you to the
second half of 2016! I trust the year has been amazing, exciting and flavoured
with fulfilled expectations. Like it’s usually said the first half of 2016 is
now history and it’s gone with the wind. Even the dust left in its trail has
disappeared into oblivion, it is no more! so look ahead!!
Another opportunity is here to begin afresh
or progress from the previous level into something good – another
dimension!  I chose to look at this second
half  of 2016 as a new slate beckoning
for  maximum utilization!! *Dancing*
If you are just awakening to the
realization that the seventh month is here for real, I will challenge you to
set your gaze and TAKE the year! For those that experienced
a slow, despairing and somewhat unfulfilled first half year, I encourage you to
charge into this second half like an angry bull! Seize every opportunity,
savour every moment, glow in the now and be excited about the ‘tomorrow’
(future). Be greatly expectant, do not let the fear and disappointment of the
‘past’ hold you back, step out in faith and let the believe in a faithful and
merciful God be the spring in your steps!
Below are a few wisdom lines I gleaned from
Dr Mike Murdock and I’ll love them to be your guide as you trod the path of
this second half. 

1. Be inspired Make a habit to notice the details around and pay attention
to it. Inspiration can spring from our daily activities and environment if only
we go out of our way to make this seemingly new discoveries.
 According to Dr. Murdock, It is our sole responsibility to keep inspiring ourselves. Do not
wait for people, right opportunities, favourable conditions and positive trends
be reasons for our inspiration. Our only struggle on earth is to remain
inspired; always place the images/pictures of things that inspire constantly
before and around us.
2. Move in the
direction of your desire –
paragraph from Abraham Hicks aptly explains this point;  

The navigational system (of a car) never asks:
“Where have you been?” It does not ask: “Why have you been there
so long?” Its only mission is to assist you in getting from where you are
to where you want to be. Your emotions provide a similar guidance system for
you, for their primary function is also to help you travel the distance from
where you are to wherever you want to be.
It is extremely important that you know where
you are in relationship to where you want to be in order to effectively move
closer to where you want to be.
understanding of both where you are and where you want to be is essential if
you are to make  deliberate decisions
about your (life) journey.

3. The
problem you solve determines your value to others –
In Dr Mike Murdock’s words –
“You will only be remembered for two things: the problems you
solve, or the ones you create.”  So q
uit whining about life and look within and around you for problems
to solve! Be a solution giver. I’ll wrap this tip up with the words of Tom
Krause – “Life isn’t about living without problems; life is about solving
4. Your
everyday decision decides your wealth
– Life is about questions (who to
trust, who to hire, who to train, etc). Ask questions, for they make your
everyday decision easy. Asking appropriately is the recipe for receiving
5. Have conversations with yourself – You can improve
yourself, boost your confidence, better your attitude by having positive
conversation with yourself. Experts refer to this process as ‘pep talk’; this
involves speaking positively to yourself 
in an encouraging way, with the aim of 
inspiring yourself
to success. Remember that your inner ear only accepts as truth words that are
consistently spoken out aloud. These in turn impacts your thought process and
eventually your actions and inaction. You can read more about it 

So here is wishing you all an amazing 2016!

Image credit – http://niceops.com/small-business-checklist-for-mid-year-year-end-planning/

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