Gratitude Half year review July new month perceptive.


“Gratitude opens the
door to the power, the wisdom, and the creativity of the Universe” – Deepak
“Reflection enables us to evaluate experience, learn
from mistakes, repeat successes, revise and plan” – Sherry Swain

It’s July, the seventh month of 2018 and I am excited!
All though it feels like it was a few weeks ago we watched those beautiful
fireworks usher in 2018 amidst excited shouts of Happy New Year. One, accompanied
with strong handshakes, bear hugs and the unending salutations of ‘happy New
Year ma and happy New Year sir’. I simply love being Nigerian! Our salutations
are simply unique, indigenous and contagious!
You can’t believe that I still reminisce on the
magnificent fireworks displayed that beautiful dawn, I overly loved it. Watch it here and excitedly relive
the ‘happy new’ greetings to friends, strangers and even foes yet again.
The slow awakening of the world to a new year was
never a subject for discussion this 2018 for it felt like the year was
ushered in with some urgency iced with grave expectations. This pushed most
people to jump-start the year.
deduction was surmised from observing the beautiful city of Lagos and the citizens
aggressively take on the year with vigour. The unfathomable traffic, the chaos
and all the tragic happenings seem to pull on the very cord of sanity that holds
the people and city together yet they remain resilient. Truthfully, this city never
rest nor sleeps and has galloped into July!
The month of July often opens with the realization that half of a year is gone and another half beckons invitingly with great expectations,
dreams and fresh beginnings. A few people got swarmed by the many activities that
heralded the first half of the year and felt like they floated through January
to June; while others are in for a good half year review of goals and
achievements. In whatever boat you find yourself, let gratitude for life, good
health and peace be your guide.

Gratitude strengthens the heart and opens the mind to
new ideas and opportunities. Appreciating the good and the bad in life has the
power to transform our perspective and eventually
dictate our decision and outcomes. Gratitude is an attitude we should
intentionally cultivate and live by.
 Dr. Cynthia
aptly expounds on some of the benefits of gratitude and I am happy to share –

• Gratitude reminds you of what truly matters in life. It is all too easy to get caught up in day-to-day stresses and take for granted the things that are important to us. If you remind yourself each day of the things you are thankful for, you begin to focus more on the important and less on the superficial.

• Gratitude makes your problems seem less daunting and more manageable. We all have issues from time to time with work, family and friends. However, these issues often get blown out of proportion, causing stress and misery. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 90 percent of all illness and disease may be stress-related. Try to be thankful for the challenges in your life, and the problems won’t seem so bad. For example, the next time you have a problem at work, you may want to remind yourself of how thankful you are to have a job in the first place. 

• Gratitude always comes back to you. When you begin to be thankful for what you have, you also begin to be more thankful toward other people. This cultivates positive feelings, and as the saying goes, “what goes around comes around.” In addition, the more you focus on the best in life, the more you will attract the best in life.

Some may say that being grateful is easier said than done. After all, problems arise on a regular basis and it can be all too easy to concentrate on the problems and stresses in life. However, gratitude is something that can be cultivated and fine-tuned. In fact, it is very easy to incorporate gratitude into your life. Moreover, gratitude costs nothing, but the benefits are substantial.

To start nourishing your soul with gratitude, take a few minutes each morning when you wake up to think of five things to be grateful for. This could be your job, your family, your health, or even your new pair of shoes. You don’t have to say your thanks out loud or write anything down. Just lie still for a few minutes with your eyes closed and focus on these five things that you are truly grateful for…

Walk into July and indeed the second
half of 2018 with the goal of being deliberately grateful for every episode life
offers. Pick up where you failed or fell, revisit the heights you didn’t attain,
review the business deal that didn’t come through, register again for that
exams you failed, start up the weight loss/exercise program, don’t  give up on that difficult child or
relationship, hold still, stay strong and remain grateful for the little ‘joys’
around you. I believe you will come forth being successful, great and an achiever.
Just Soar!!  
A new opportunity beckons!!
Photo : Google

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