graceful pillars the Psalmist well-nurtured plants word inspiration


 “Girls who are ‘sugar and spice and everything
nice’ are made, not born.” Vickey Courtney
are not found in the wild. Pillars are not born. Pillars are formed. Carefully,
an artesian chisels away at the stone little by little, creating a masterpiece.
You can be the artesian in the life of your daughter”.
Lynn Cowell

The beautiful month of August is almost over and will
leave me with the beautiful memories of the celebration it brought. I have been
overly excited all through this month, mostly because it is in this blessed month
that my ‘first baby’ was born. My very own adorable and pretty sister with which
I practised motherhood with. It was with her that I learnt to rock, care and
cater for the every need of a baby and even attempted all my experiments/theories
at raising children; for she was my mama’s old age baby. lol! It is also in this month that the men in my life were given
birth to and they are God’s special gifts to me. Their entrance into my life
was heralded with loads of love, laughter and appreciation for every minute
detail of life. #thisaugustisgreat
Today, I’d like to encourage mothers in the making,
intending mothers and practicing mothers to see their role in raising the next generation
from a different perspective.  Did you know that raising great and
leading sons and daughters is an intentional process? It is a deliberate act of digging
the right foundation required for sowing the seeds, creating the perfect moulds
needed to support their growth and carefully determining which stalk or boulder
to place to properly direct the lives of our sons and daughters towards
achieving God’s purpose for their existence. You do not have to carry a foetus
in your womb before you heed the call to motherhood, begin by assuming
responsibility over every child placed in your life and care.
This task is great and is not one to be left to
chance. Therefore the success of this task has nothing significant to do
with a good environment, great schools or coaches; these factors only build on
the foundation YOU have laid. Did you know that you have the first
responsibility of impacting the morals and values you preach to your children?
It is in living the values you preach, upholding the moral you teach and being
an everyday example that the first lessons are transferred. This is a process
that must be deliberately worked! Do not take for granted the rare privilege of
being entrusted with moulding a child’s life (generation).
144:12, May our sons flourish in their youth like well-nurtured plants.
May our daughters be like graceful pillars carved to beautify a palace (NLT),
this scripture is my inspiration this
month and for many more years to come. For it is light to me!
Did you also know that your sons are well nurtured
plants? Not
weeds, thorns, withered and blasted. They are
like plants that should bring forth fruit unto God in their day. So raise them to become men with great passion for
purposeful living and a love for God. Your daughters are like graceful pillars
fit to beautify the king’s palace. And not just ordinary pillars, but one specially
carved for the palace
. This
pillar is decorative, ornamental and beautiful, fit to provide support,
beautify and unify entities. Don’t raise your daughters short of the creator’s
expectation; they are far more expensive than rubies! 
I have this burden to sound the buzz on all mothers
and even sing my version of Travis Greene’ ‘It’s intentional’ to drive home my
point. Raising well-nurtured plants and Graceful pillars is an intentional
process, luck isn’t part of this walk but God’s grace makes it easy, fruitful and
worthwhile. Therefore make it a priority to pray focused and directed prayers
over your sons and daughters, make specific scriptural declarations like –

Matthew 5
v 14  “I declare that you(child’s name)
are a city set upon a hill and you cannot be hidden, you are light to this
world, your stars will shine, you are sought after, you voice will be heard in
the market place and  …”

Get involved in their lives and relationships, plan
activities to pass on values, have discussions, pep talk or playtime (depending
on the age), answer questions no matter how silly, be watchful of strange words
or character traits and don’t get caught in the web of ‘busyness’ of life.
Delegate all other tasks but not that of your personal involvement with
your well-nurtured plants and graceful pillars. Your success in
this endeavour is non-
Let us take the analogy of a farmer –
A farmer does not throw seeds around and expect a
healthy and bumper harvest; he intentionally separates the good seedlings from
the bad ones, carefully tills the soil or builds the wedges, sows the seeds,
waters and watches over them till they sprout forth. He is careful to apply manure
where needed, uproot the weeds and even prays for a measure of rainfall to
water the seeds intentionally. After all said and done, he keeps watch till
harvest comes. So why should raising children be any different?
Of all of God’s creation, man was created differently
with great care. So be deliberate! Be intentional!!
Raise those sons and daughters to be well-nurtured plants and graceful pillars that flourishes!!!

Behold, children are a
heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.
 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are
the children of one’s youth.
Psalms 127: 3


Image credits – Google


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