

I would not trade the joy I felt when my daughter, Michelle called out the name “mommmmmy!”. For months I had been envious of the fact that my daughter could call “daddy” perfectly like one that had practiced for hours unended; she could call “daddy” at every opportunity. It left me wondering what the difficulty was, with calling mommy; someone that had been on call for her 24/7, her singing radio without batteries (singing all the rhymes at every instance for her) and the defender of her universe who is not voltron! 

Then came the day she finally blotted out that name – mommy!, how sweet the memory!! More sweet was the sound of it; a name I wished had come out sooner than now from her lips. Was I prepared for the attendant responsibility? I can only laugh, as every day I respond “yes darlyn” to the name “mommy” I have glaringly faced the reality of that responsibility.

I simply love this message a dear friend sent to me, it made me smile and reminded me of that huge responsibility of being a mum;

 “JUST a Mum……?” Uhhh??? Yes, I am!!!! That proudly makes me a focused and dedicated alarm clock, cook, maid, cleaner, waitress, teacher, nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, dean of discipline, event planner, personal organiser and assistant. I am tough enough to scare away the boogie man. I don’t get holidays, sick pay and never a day off. I work through the day and night. I… sleep with one eye open since the day I gave birth. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life and my family will ALWAYS come first. I took an option of payment in LOVE not money. I may not be worth anything to you but I am EVERYTHING to someone else!”

A woman’s world truly changes when toddlers learn to pronounce and call the word “mum”, “mama”, “moma”. Irrespective of the variant, the name comes with enormous responsibility. Our rewards are gotten here on earth! The smile of our babies, the hugs of our children with sweet “I love you mum” voices, the left over snack kept just for mum and the smiles of appreciation from our husbands. The best of it all, being the well breed men and women with purpose and strength of character that impact our world.

Our reward is truly on earth!!

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  • Reply
    May 6, 2014 at 10:20 am

    so sweet dearie, i feel you.

  • Reply
    May 31, 2012 at 8:41 pm

    Thought inspiring especially the part of the reward and little hugs.

  • Reply
    May 11, 2012 at 8:57 pm

    Today has been one of 'those' days. I've been on my feet for hours so now I'm really exhausted. But, when I take a peek at my babies, all covered up and sleeping soundly, I give thanks even as I know that if God gives me life tomorrow, my day just might be the same as today.
    Motherhood is real hard work but the benefits are like none other.

  • Reply
    May 11, 2012 at 8:29 pm

    Am actually trying to remember how I felt when I got my first shout out – dada! I salute you Precious Pearl and the leading mothers out there! You gurls rock!!

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