comfort faith Jesus loves me joy in turbulence quiet assurance


Yes Jesus loves me!
Yes Jesus loves me!!
Yes Jesus loves me!!!
The Bible tells me so….
Tears filled my eyes and flowed
freely as I sang this song last night while trying unsuccessfully to rock my
baby to sleep. The song served as lullaby as I held my son’s restless body
close to my heart, pacing the length of my bedroom with great hope that he will
doze off soon enough to rest my tired body. I kept repeating the song – ‘Yes!
Jesus loves me’ again and again and its reassuring truth, silently soothed
my weary soul.
My thoughts were heavy and almost
bothering on anxiety. I felt exceptionally tired and thus needed the
reassurance that God loved me still. In spite of the hassles of a challenging
day, unfulfilled expectations and many other questions begging for answers. My
soul longed for respite and the tears gushed, bringing the therapeutic succor I desired.
October ushered in the last quarter
of this year and it began with our quarterly productivity submit where
performances were appraised, new targets set and timelines specified with
stringent sanctions for the defaulters. My job is such that keeps one on the
toes and can sometimes be stressful and draining, coupled with the economic and
business environment that has been somewhat dull. How do I achieve these
targets I asked myself, almost forgetting the God factor in the midst of the
berserk thoughts threatening to drown me.
 “Oh lord, I hate to tell you about these
targets again” I whispered in the dark as I sang my lullaby.
The lights were switched off, all in
an attempt to create a conducive atmosphere for sleep.
 “Err eeehhh..” my
baby cried out as sleep struggled to overpower him.
“Yes Jesus loves me” I
continued singing and rocking till his body relaxed and gave in to the powerful
embrace of ‘sleep’. 

Just then the realization hit me and hard too!
“My life is a journey and today,
with all its challenges and hurts are a part of the script”.
I spoke aloud to myself, dabbing my
eyes with the back of my hands – “Today is a lesson, a beautiful part
towards a rewarding end”. 

I walked to the mirror and stared gravely at my
tears stained face.
“Oh yes Jesus does loves me, even when I don’t
comprehend it, His thoughts towards me are always for good”
I attempted to smile at the dull face starring back
from the mirror.
“If God cares for flowers who are here today
and by evening fades, He cares even more for me”
I jabbed my finger at the image in the mirror.
“The sun never misses its
settings neither the moon its rising, God’s timing for my life is perfect and I
am confident in this truth”.
By the time I had finished declaring
these truths to myself, my baby was ready to be laid in his bed and I got my
vigor and strength back.
Is this last quarter bringing with it unnecessary
agitation and pressures. Do you cry secretly and wish for the wisp of the magic
wand for all your desires to be fulfilled?
Rest in this truth – “Yes Jesus loves me
What is the
‘hard knock’ life has dealt you?
Rest in this truth – Yes Jesus loves me (you)
God knows what is best for us all,
trust His direction and obey His leading.

Enjoy October!!

Image credit – Google

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