DISCIPLINE encouragement essential tips LIFE


“The only discipline that lasts is self-discipline.” – Bum Philips

 “With self-discipline, almost anything is possible.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do things even if you don’t want to do them. It is one of the most important values in life, especially in a year where we are all compelled to wear masks, stand feet apart from one another, wash hands so very often, go without hugs and hearty greetings, stay off cinemas, gyms, pubs, and dining out. The list feels almost endless.

Despite all these, we are expected to be of best behaviors, work remotely and deliver on targets, homeschool, stay in shape, take online courses, check up on family and friends, still stay sane, happy, and …this list of expectations is even longer.

All of these require a lot of self-discipline.

Without self-discipline, we will revert to giving up, because whether we realize it or not, we’re all headed towards chaos, and that is the default direction life routines sometimes takes us.

To be steady, consistent, and maintain a course requires self-discipline, which doesn’t happen overnight. 

Creating daily habits and consistently working at growing them builds discipline.

In journeying towards self-discipline, developing the habits listed below is needful.

Hold yourself accountable

If you decide you’re going to get something done, do it! And if you can’t, have a good reason. That’s the foundation of self-discipline. However, don’t just do things so you can prove a point to others. Do it for yourself. Hold yourself accountable by writing down your goals, intentions, and actions. Just be yourself.

Be honest in your communication

To yourself and others. Honesty is difficult for most people because it requires humility. When you’re not honest, people can tell. When you keep on being honest with yourself and others, it’s easier to be disciplined.

Set the right example

Set the right example always, especially if you’re in a position of influence. Never expect people to do something you’re not doing. And don’t expect from others what you cannot do or offer

Improve every day

Most people don’t have the patience and drive to improve. Of course, it’s hard to improve yourself, give yourself a strong reason to.


Putting your thoughts into words helps you to understand yourself and what you’re doing better. Sometimes you don’t do something because it’s not the right thing to do. So always think on paper. After you’ve scribbled down your thoughts, let it be, and get back to it a few hours or days later.

Be Prepared

Life happens! It also comes in cycles. Sometimes great, sometimes, not so great. The best way to deal with all of it is to be prepared. Plan ahead, stay abreast, save for rainy days, and restrategize when you hit a brick wall,

Live NOW

But none of the points above means you should live in the future for life happens NOW. Get back to what matters most: The one thing that’s right in front of you!


Image Credit – Unsplash,com


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