bounding CHILDREN family time fun activity


Your children get
only one childhood. Make it memorable.    
Regina Brett

It’s weekend people and I am excited!! Scrap that! The kids and I are super excited!! We always anticipate Friday because all house rules (lol) are relaxed and sometimes become temporarily non-existent.

Fridays  always dawn with this melodious song of
freedom from my girls to the heavens! For the day comes with freedom from all
form of mandatory tasks; from school assignments, to siestas, to compulsory
bedtime and restricted TV time. So my kids love Friday for the laxity that
heralds its coming and this extends till Sunday. Therefore  weekend has become priceless for them.
Friday nights are exceptionally special for it also doubles as our movie night,
where my children and I (sometimes) watch children themed movies late into the
night or till sleep beckons. With our bowel of popcorn firmly stationed in the
middle of our make shift cinema allowing every one full access to its content with
our eyes fixed on the screen; not even my toddler is left out of this party.
Watching his hand struggle to grab a fist full of popcorn to feed himself is a
funny sight to behold. Family time is simply magical!


weeks ago we watched Treasure Island and my second daughter was a bit scared of
the animated characters on the pirate ship. And so last Thursday, she quietly
reminded everyone that the next day will be our Friday movie night and she
would not want to see any scary movies. Message passed! Messaged received!!
Last Friday we watched the hilarious 
‘Baby’s Day out’  in response to
Didi’s plea. The laughter was endless and a therapeutic way to end a stressful
week. The memory of the laughter and joy shared still lingers and has filled
our emotional bank to last us for years to come. This post can’t be complete
without the mention of our ‘cinema prefect’ – ‘aunt Phi-phi’ for the movie
selections for each Friday is always on point.
time for family and children especially in a fast paced society like ours is an
intentional act. Like every other good event in life, it doesn’t happen by
accident but through planned and deliberate steps focused at creating bonding
and emotionally stimulating environment for growth and development. Make
quality family time a goal and priority this year.
you have any special activity you enjoy with your family that encourages
bonding? Please share in the comment box below. We are open to new suggestions
and experiments.
have a good weekend.

Image – Google

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