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The joy of having a sibling to love and protect is one I came to understand and appreciate in a new way yesterday. I was awed by the protectiveness showed by my first daughter -Mimi over her sister – Didi. After giving Didi her morning bath, I struggled to comb through her baby curls; this made her protest with crying and also struggling. With her little fist, she tried unsuccessfully to  stop me from combing her hair, her cry got…

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It is safe to say that a good number of adult have experienced teenage crush. Strictly my opinion though, please all ye trendy mamas don’t roll your eyes; for I am certain that a number of us did not sail into “love” harbor without the turbulence of confused desire and strong emotions. Infact I know  that our love relationships were not prophesied by angel Gabriel, as such we went through the emotional roller coaster. *rolling eyes*. I can say we…

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LIFE Motherhood


My grandmother once told me that the number of children a woman nursed was the evidence of wealth and fertility. In those days, a woman’s dressing consists mainly of a piece of wrapper and strings of beads and these they wore with pride. In most cultures, the wrappers were tied in such a way that there was ample display of their “evidence” of fertility and wealth. However, I greatly love the era I was born into, as I can’t imagine…

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CAREER LIFE Motherhood

CAREER AND FAMILY …. Can women have both?

Have you ever wondered how to successfully combine a career and family responsibilities? I have over the past years given it more than  a passing thought, in all honesty I have tried a few suggestions but my success rate has been low….. that will be a story for another day. A few weeks ago, my hubby and I had an argument on the possibility of successfully attaining a balance in career and family. I argued that building and successfully maintaining…

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FAMILY LIFE Motherhood

MANIPULATIVE – Are toddlers guilty?

My 30-month old daughter is in the habit of going silent when she is repeatedly cautioned. Yesterday, she was playing with a breakable flower vase when I cautioned her repeatedly. Predictably, she went silent on me. Despite my cautions, my daughter continued unperturbed at playing with the flower vase. My patience was stretched. But for her kid sister who was soundly asleep on my arm, I would have given her a good spanking. Suddenly, Michelle stopped her play, turned and…

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LIFE Motherhood


Few months ago, a close friend jovially complained of how her daughter was wearing her out with her constant calls of “mummy”. she spoke of how her daughter would call “mummy” at the slightest instance and how tiring it could be most times. My response to her was “I can’t wait for mine to start calling me mummy”, as mine could only call “daddy”. For real, I thought I was missing out on the “mummy calling” phase of motherhood. I…

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She walked into my office and greeted me in her usual manner, “good afternoon ma”. A beautiful girl with accentuated curves in the right places. Today, she did not go to transact in the other section. She rather pulled a chair in front of my desk and as she proceeded to sit, she said “please I need a favour”.  I smiled, adjusted my seat and turned to face her. She told me she will be travelling to Russia in a…

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It is known and established that children’s expense are needful and most times occur unexpectedly. This unbudgeted expense can sometimes be bigger than what a back up cash can readily cater for. As today begun, my daughter had one of those emergency needs, I was so happy that the financial plan we have in place for her could adequately provide for the need she required. The ability to cater for this emergency gave me a sense of peace and joy.…

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Being an only daughter amongst four boys did not make my childhood rosy or full of attention, rather I was constantly at the lime light. I was constantly reminded to sit, eat, speak, walk and dress like a lady, this I resented. My resentment of these constant “dos and don’ts” made me behave at variant to my mother’s bidding and teachings. I just wanted to be like my brothers! I sometimes still picture that angry and frustrated look on her…

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When darkness hovers like a veil And light seems no where near Count your blessings When night fog seem darkest And dawn wouldn’t pierce with its light Count your blessings When hope seem to hide its face And failure stares endless in your face Count your blessings When woes with it tales are endless And tales of victory seem distant and unheard of Count your blessings When worry effortlessly conquers the soul And peace eludes ones like a smoke Count…

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