INSPIRATIONAL life lessons Motherhood new perspective

The Trap of ME

I recently had a wake-up call courtesy of my 6-year-old son Seddie. During our nightly prayer time, I asked Seddie if he had any special prayer requests, and he responded with something that surprised me.

“Mum,” he said, “I want Lason to know that there is a God. He says God doesn’t exist and doesn’t believe in Him. I’ve tried to tell him about God, but he won’t listen. So please pray for him.”

As we said a prayer for Lason, it dawned on me that all I had been discussing with God lately were requests about myself. My endless list of requests for favours, daily provisions, new relationship, wealth, possessions, and healing was endless. It almost felt like I was in a trap called ME, where nothing mattered except ME. And when each request was answered and ticked off, another took its place.

Seddie’s week-long request for Lason’s conversion was a strong reminder to step aside from ME and focus on the world around me. To be intentional in showing love, gifting my time, praying for others, and appreciating all the blessings I have freely enjoyed from God.

So, let me ask you – have you been taken over by the Trap of ME? Have your prayers with God been centred on you? Are you focused on ticking off your needs, wants, and desires?

Here’s a reminder from the Bible – when you seek first the kingdom of God, ALL other things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33, ISV)

It’s easy to get caught up in our worlds. As working moms, we have so many responsibilities and things to juggle that it can take time to see beyond our needs. But we need to make a conscious effort to step outside of ourselves and focus on the needs of others.

Take a cue from Seddie and pray for someone else today.


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