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celebration independence lOVE my country Nigeria

GUEST POST – Nigeria @ 56, What do you love about Nigeria

“What do you love about Nigeria?” This was the question a TV presenter asked her interviewee.The later answered the question with so much ease and with all sincerity of heart, Her many reasons got me thinking and I wondered..If I were asked what I loved about Nigeria, my own country, what would I say?  I realized that this same question someone answered with ease, got me pondering for minutes!  However, I eventually got my answers … * I love the spirit of the…

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CHILDREN FAMILY help independence parenting refuel


Parenthood is an endurance marathon that you cannot train for, and certain moments of the journey will be exhilarating while others will sap your energy. Juggling the demands of  a family is an incredible feat that warrants respect and appreciation.Erin Schlicher “OMG! Not again! What did you just do?” I screamed in sheer annoyance! In a split second, the frightened and innocent look on the face of my daughter jolted me back to reality. How could I have screamed that…

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