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Today I went into a rage and broke my hubby’s phone and mine.

I threw both phones against the wall of our garage and watched the screen and other parts shatter in different directions.

I have no regrets and I am not contrite either; this thing seem to have more hold over our household than we care to admit.

You can judge all u want, even call me irrational and emotionally unbalanced; I do not care about your opinion.

You may say, the phone is the main source of communication and even the remote working tool at this time, that may be true but I am past caring.

How can a device be a diving factor in our relationship and home!

Did you know that our conversations are paused abruptly, at the beep and ring of the phone? And after the phone conversation ends, we struggle to pick up from where we broke off.

This device is the only uninvited guest at our dining table as it is held by one hand while the other handles the spooning of the food or rolling of the garri lump. It won’t come as a surprised if it begins to disrupt our intimate moments!

It is just amazing the sheer power we have unconsciously given to this device?

My hubby and I have become more amused and engrossed by this device than we used to be of ourselves.  Technology brought good to the world but its effect in my home has degenerated to something short of devastating disaster

Set boundaries are repeated broken, self-discipline loses its grip at the sight of this device. We are almost as helpless as junkies in need of a dose!

Once upon a time, we use to converse endless on every little happening in our lives, we were inseparable love birds that were the envy and toast of our friends but now we just exist under one roof or sometimes car but are engrossed in worlds apart.

Our devices are closer and the world within it, is even more appealing than the company and lives we once shared.

No one knows that this beautiful, fashion crazy power couple are now but a charade, we have been reduced to a ‘miserable device junkies’, held captive by our device…

We are present in every social media platform and updated on every happening. but we are not present or updated on the happenings in our lives.

I weep for us!

“Oh I forgot to mention….” is now our constant excuse

Heeding my desire to break our phones in a fit of anger seem like my easy way out of this bondage, we are free…. albeit temporarily.  Yea I know.

What will deliver us from this hold?

Do you have a word of advice…?

Do share…

In a desperate fix now….


‘Device slave 1’



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1 Comment

  • Reply
    July 13, 2020 at 4:40 am

    Your site is very helpful. Many thanks for sharing!

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