FAMILY life lessons Motherhood RELATIONSHIP values

FAMILY VALUES – My inspiration to creating one

A fortnight ago, just before bedtime, My 10 year asked – “Mum, what are our family values”?

I did not have a ready answer, so I responded – “Can we talk about it tomorrow?”.

I needed time to put on my thinking cap and coordinate my response.

Honestly, it had been a while we discussed our family vision and mission, which we put up some years back. Read about it here

Her question came as a needful and timely reminder to conclude on the family values we began discussing early last year.

So this week, we decided to go back to basics and remind ourselves of the value system that knits our belief and strengthens our bond.

We gathered for a family discussion last night, so the kids, daddy, and I could filter out these values and have them imprinted upon our hearts.

I began the conversation with a question;

“What are the values daddy and I remind you so often about?”

“To always tell the truth, come what may”, my 10 years old responded first.

I wrote down truth/honesty and asked for more suggestions

“To love my siblings above others”, my 8 years old responded.

I laughed as that point caught me off guide, remembering that those words came as a solution to quell squabbles that occur now and then.

So I wrote down love (family above others).

The discussion continued till we compiled 5 values we could all identify with, agree to, and then emphasized the need to live by them.

Thereafter, we proceeded to discuss behaviours mum and dad exhibit that they (the girls) do not like. I can tell you that the ‘book of our revelation’ was opened right before hubby and I. Hahhaha!. The unconscious actions we exhibit were x-rayed through our kids’ eyes. They are watching, all I can say is ‘be mindfulllll’!

Family values according to beliefnet.com is a set of values that provides a moral compass, clearly articulating the attitudes and meanings your family associates with living their lives.

This differs amongst family, but with the single goal of teaching each family member the difference between right and wrong. Strong values can be easily passed from one generation to another thus strengthening the generational bond.

The importance of clearly defining your family values are:

  1. It instills a set of right and wrong in each family member, thus enhancing their ability to make the right choices at all times.


  1. It helps each member of the family shape their values and principles, which ultimately define who they become in life.


  1. It serves as a positive influence where every member of the family build their belief and identity around.

Do you have a family value system, you can work towards building one from today.

Share your progress in the comment box below.

Learn more about creating a family belief system here

See movies that teach about the importance of family values  here



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  • Reply
    July 13, 2020 at 4:40 am

    These are actually great ideas in concerning blogging.

  • Reply
    July 1, 2020 at 1:32 pm

    Thanks for sharing this,it’s really not so hard to make decision once one can differentiate between right and wrong.

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