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life lessons

Affirmation CHILDREN life lessons Motherhood raising children


When my 3-year-old gets agitated at his inability to write numbers 3 and 8 perfectly, he becomes teary-eyed. He often resorts to, “Mummy, please hold my hand to write” as the easy way out. Most often I concede, just to get through the task without drama. Recently, I have adopted another method – AFFIRMATION! Guiding his hands to write is not the best way out, especially when I have watched him write those same numbers perfectly a number of times.…

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CHILDREN Gratitude life lessons Motherhood raising children

A FALL TOO MANY – The domestic accident story

Today, my 3 year old fell and hit his forehead on the TV stand in the sitting room. I heard the loud crashing sound from my room, rushed out to find him crying with blood trickling down his face, and mixed with tears. The sisters screamed at the sight, while I was momentarily frozen. My tummy churned at the sight of the blood oozing from his eyelid while my eyes were heavy with unshed tears. I was so frightened that…

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choice encouragement life lessons RELATIONSHIP

The Financial Guilt trap

Yesterday I had a long conversation with a childhood friend Sisi A who wanted a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear to vent. It was obvious that she was overwhelmed by the financial obligations she is responsible for monthly and could not see an end to it. Frustration has set in and in her words, “it feels like I toil for 30days and empty all into a basket”. Life held no appeal for her and the hopelessness in…

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family life life lessons parenthood parenting RELATIONSHIP

The word TEAM WORK

I woke up this morning with no desire to make breakfast, all I just wanted was to stretch and remain in bed until whenever! Some days are just like this, especially on weekends which often begin with that urge to do nothing but just ‘chill and relax. Thank God the kids aren’t toddlers… So this morning, I announced from my bed-  “today’s breakfast is serve yourself”. My husband laughed and added, “its cereal this morning people”; to douse the torrent…

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life lessons life. experience Uncategorized


Today I went into a rage and broke my hubby’s phone and mine. I threw both phones against the wall of our garage and watched the screen and other parts shatter in different directions. I have no regrets and I am not contrite either; this thing seem to have more hold over our household than we care to admit. You can judge all u want, even call me irrational and emotionally unbalanced; I do not care about your opinion. You…

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FAMILY life lessons lockdown diary raising children


Today, we had our Monthly Performance Review (MPR) via Microsoft office team and it was a long meeting. As the meeting progressed, the public power supply went off, after a while the inverter went off too and I was in partial darkness with sparse lighting from the window close by.   My ever loving 3-year-old, ran through the hallway and saw me seated in the dark area with a laptop and Ear plug on; then the following conversation below ensued:…

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FAMILY life lessons lockdown diary


Today, I woke up to breakfast in bed.  Some slices of bread with fried egg with a cup of my recently discovered tea – lemon+ginger, a glass of fruit smoothie and a finger of banana. Haaa! As the tea settled on my bedside table, I yawned, stretched and smiled sheepishly at my chef ‘husband’. My hand spontaneously went for the tea, as the strong scent was simply irresistible and had recently made it to my ‘food crush’ list. However, my…

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covid - 19 family life life lessons tips ways to engage children


Working from home this past week with my crew close by have taught me a few tips at being productive while engaging my trio. In my characteristic way, I want to share. #icantkeepsilence. I consistently strive to maximize every opportunity life brings my way. The ‘stay home, stay safe’ maxim has afforded us an early holiday and ample family time. So since hubby and I still have to work, we planned out an easy routine for the kids. Implementing this…

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change encounters encouragement life lessons


                                                      Recently, I boarded a tricycle (Keke) and had an interesting conversation with the rider. Before the trip began, the rider, an amputee successful convinced me to be his only passenger so he could drop me close to my destination, I obliged and we negotiated on the best fare for the distance. We got stuck at a price and he tried unsuccessfully to convince me to accept his proposed fare. So he decided to employ what I…

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CHILDREN holiday life lessons summer school


Life is truly in stages! Some years back I had vehemently opposed any form of ‘schooling’ during the long school holiday, especially the different variations that commences at the beginning or the middle of the long vacation. I always held onto the belief that three terms are long enough in a school session to impart every form of knowledge and fun. As such, the long vacation should all be about rest, play and fun activities. Now, at the stage of…

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