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Trendy Mother

life lessons prayers raising children The Psalms

LIFE LESSONS – A child’s attempt at praying Psalm 121

Last weekend, our 5 year old finally got her first bible and her joy knew no bounds. She has consistently been requesting to own a bible with her name written on it for months now.  Her interest peaked  just after she became proficient in reading and had begun reading her sister’s copy.  Our commitments at buying her a Bible didn’t come to fruition until last Saturday. It almost seemed like Didi’s constant request  fell on deaf ears. Little did she know that our…

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Gratitude sweet November thanksgiving


 I have a special love for the month of November, fondly christened sweet November. November always come with the obvious reminder that the year end is close and Christmas celebrations are even closer. Oh! How I love this special month and the surge of hope it conveys for a beautiful end and an expected new beginning (a new year). Such hope that can be liken to an athlete’s optimism when he sees the finish line and is expectant of embracing it.…

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CHILDREN creativity life lessons light bulb moments

LIFE LESSONS – Fostering creativity in children

Give children the opportunity to express “divergent thought.” Let them disagree with you. Encourage them to find more than one route to a solution, and more than one solution to a problem. When they successfully solve a problem, ask them to solve it again but to find a new way to do it (same solution, different route). Christine Carter, Ph.D  As we drove to school last Thursday, I noticed my 7 year old fidgeting with her school bag. I drew…

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comfort faith Jesus loves me joy in turbulence quiet assurance


Yes Jesus loves me!    Yes Jesus loves me!! Yes Jesus loves me!!! The Bible tells me so…. Tears filled my eyes and flowed freely as I sang this song last night while trying unsuccessfully to rock my baby to sleep. The song served as lullaby as I held my son’s restless body close to my heart, pacing the length of my bedroom with great hope that he will doze off soon enough to rest my tired body. I kept repeating…

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humanitarian support love a child volunteer


This afternoon I saw them in clusters as we drove through Apapa, they were spread out like black ants from the sidewalks to the tarred roads in different colours of school uniforms. Some had arms locked on each other shoulders gisting away happily, oblivious of their tattered backside (shorts) and shredded tops which looked like it won’t survive another trip to the laundry. A few others stood under the shade of a big tree debating on a topic that seemed…

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graceful pillars the Psalmist well-nurtured plants word inspiration


 “Girls who are ‘sugar and spice and everything nice’ are made, not born.” Vickey Courtney “Pillars are not found in the wild. Pillars are not born. Pillars are formed. Carefully, an artesian chisels away at the stone little by little, creating a masterpiece. You can be the artesian in the life of your daughter”. Lynn Cowell The beautiful month of August is almost over and will leave me with the beautiful memories of the celebration it brought. I have been overly excited…

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Apapa beauty lagos traffic self motivation thankful

THE CITY CALLED APAPA – Beauty in the Ugliness

My comfortable commute to work will end half way again today as the roads have been blocked by trailers and tankers. A two lane road now accommodates 3 tankers and trailers parked bumper to fender, a total stand still!  Not even a motorcycle can wiggle through. This has almost become a daily occurrence and I am one of the thousand voices screaming for a respite. An otherwise calm and beautiful start of a day can be turned into a nightmare leaving one…

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appreciation excited. rain Rainy season


                        The rains are finally here in all its glory and I am excited! Oh yes! I love the sight of the lazy drizzles as they fall with grace, I love the lazy skies and dark clouds and all the water puddles that fill the road I love the feel of wet sand mingle with the smell of damn mud, The smell reminds me of our traditional earthen water pots…

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FAMILY marriage my groove RELATIONSHIP

GETTING MY GROOVE BACK – 15 Ways To Remain In love 11

And so I paid a visit to my mentor and poured out my heart and she lovingly advised me from her wealth of experience. So if you are nursing a baby or currently fagged out from raising kids, running a home, pursuing a career, building a business or earning a degree and you are lost on how to get your groove back with your hubby or that special ‘somebori’; learn from these practical but insightful tips shared below by my…

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life lessons lOVE marriage RELATIONSHIP

GETTING MY GROOVE BACK – 15 Ways To Remain In love in spite of life pressures . Pt.1

“I don’t feel loved” … This thought played games with my mind this whole week as I engaged in my day to day activities. I tried unsuccessfully to steer my thoughts from it and even searched my heart for that ‘love feeling’ to refute this line, but it persistently invaded my thoughts and strongly too. The constant weariness I felt by the end of each day did not help. “It must be this constant weariness manifesting”. I silently scolded myself…

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