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Trendy Mother

encouragement faith resilience Trust


  The sight of my 20 months old trying unsuccessfully to wiggle out of the tight embrace of his 6 years old sister always gets me cracking with laughter. I can perceive the unsaid words of my daughter by her determined stance of “I must grab you by all means” and the struggling toddler screaming loudly through his unclear words “let go of me”. This struggle is usually a sight to behold and the bond between these two is  beyond my…

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everyday woman live intentionally mother's day celebration

MOTHER’S DAY CELEBRATION – The everyday woman, my hero!

Last weekend, while braiding my hair, I had a discussion with my hair stylist and it opened my eyes to a peculiar challenge most women encounter – the task of raising children and running a home. This is one task no straight-jacket formula can solve, it is a challenge often experienced by most women raising young families in a fast paced society such as ours.  As we discussed further, it became clear that our routines were not different from each other; her…

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family mission statement family time living intentionally raising children


A family mission statement is a combined, unified expression from all family members of what your family is all about — what it is you really want to do and be — and the principles you choose to govern your family life. -Stephen Covey Some times last year we wrote out our family mission and vision statement and pasted it on our refrigerator to serve as a guide to all the new and old members of my family. Lol! This initiative was…

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childbirth FAMILY potty training


The excited voice of my girls ushered me into the house with shouts of – “Mummy! good news!! good news!!!” I smiled and look around greatly anticipating to see the good news or what it was all about. “Mummy Seddy pooed in his potty today” my first daughter said, smiling and clapping her hands in excitement, while my 6 year old jumped all over the sofa in excitement. I smiled as I walked toward the young dude that had achieved…

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confessions family time healthy children life. experience


Last night, I made a confession to my girls and I felt happy that I could finally let it out. My confession was one that had gripped my heart and filled my mind, even before my girls were conceived. It grew with time and was nurtured by my fears till it almost became a living reality but for God. So few days ago just before bedtime, I decided it was time to open up and pour out my heart to…

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lOVE prayer strength for each day


I belong to a group of women that believe strongly in Christ and the institution of marriage and we have a prayer chain that enables members pray virtually every Saturday for our husbands and children. Praying virtually with other like-minded people generates power and creates a spiritual connection that words can’t describe. Praying with these women have blessed me immensely, as they have built and encouraged me to stand relentlessly in the place of prayer over my household and children.…

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bounding CHILDREN family time fun activity


Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.     Regina Brett It’s weekend people and I am excited!! Scrap that! The kids and I are super excited!! We always anticipate Friday because all house rules (lol) are relaxed and sometimes become temporarily non-existent. Fridays  always dawn with this melodious song of freedom from my girls to the heavens! For the day comes with freedom from all form of mandatory tasks; from school assignments, to siestas, to compulsory bedtime and…

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Reading culture children tips upbringing

READING CULTURE – 7 Tips For Developing A Reading Culture In Children

It’s heartwarming when the 6 year olds in my Sunday school class clamor to read the scripture, it feels like they just want to show off a newly acquired skills. I am super proud of them as I  understand and can relate with their accomplishment. Allowing them read out the scriptures for the day is my way of encouraging the children who are yet to read fluently, learn the beautiful art of reading and more so to see for themselves…

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celebration Christmas 207


Harmattan in Nigeria comes with a nostalgic feeling for me, the cold, dry and hazy weather brings back fond memories of my primary school days at a beautiful city called Kaduna State in Northern Nigeria. The intensity of the cold and dry weather caused our parents to dressed us up so warmly like Eskimos going to the Antarctica. I can almost hear the distant voices of my classmate singing our beautiful harmattan poem as loudly as only excited children can; Harmattan Naked…

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childhood CHILDREN gap teeth missing teeth


It is simply amazing the little things that crack me up and gets me laughing with reckless abandon. This morning while assisting my 5 year old brush her teeth, I couldn’t help but laugh as the tooth brush kept rubbing against her gums instead of the few teeth scattered within her mouth. There were so many gaps in between the teeth that I giggled and asked – “are we brushing your teeth or gums”? She gave me that ‘toothless smile’ with…

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